Tuesday, February 14, 2006

be mine? (so that you may be amongst my possesions)

Get fucked, fuckers. i learned a lot about psych. this morning... i decided not to go see mouse parade and del rey last night (for free(like an asshole)) so i could get some sleep. I couldnt though... in fact, not even five minuts. The moon was bright all night and then the sun came up and I went to school.

if you celebrate this evening... i hope you get herpes or turn into zombies or somthing. i know im bitter... but... no thats all, just bitter... and really tired.

tortoise and bonnie prince billy have a "thunder road" cover on the new record. i dont know about the album yet, but thunder road... you know... it makes so much sense... i would have never thought... it is a good thing to listen to on repeat at any time of day or night or very early morning.

something about a cat.


At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the language! OR it'll be the death of you.
Love-Brian Ulrich's Class


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