Thursday, May 18, 2006


today i saw lots of rodents that are bigger than my cat. the cats here eat fish for good reason. there are also lots of puppies and adult dogs whose growth had been stunted from a steady diet of fruit and bread. im making notes and will give a full report soon. this place is crazy.

i leave you with this. i met a guy named beenut today. when he was a kid he used to try and knock down beehives, untill one day he did. as a result he was stung on the balls. they swelled up and everyone knew it. henceforth he has been known as beenut to everyone, including me. he is in his late thirties early fourties. five kids. oh yeah... also i was driving the jeep through the jungle and a bannana fell out of a tree in front of the car. i ran it over and was a little dissapointed when i didnt skid out of controll. if only it was just the peel, then the desired effect might have been achieved.


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